Merivale Transformation Station Upgrade Project

Live Construction Images – Merivale Current Transformer Station Upgrade

Black & MacDonald, Hydro One and the City of Ottawa bring you live timelapse photos showing the construction progress of the Merivale Current Transformer Station Upgrade.

The image directly below are linked to an onsite construction camera that is updated every 2 hours.

Key Project Data

Project Description

The need for this investment was identified in the Ottawa Area Integrated Regional Resource Plan, through a collective planning process which includes the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), Hydro One and Hydro Ottawa. Once this project it completed, the expanded station will support additional power to flow through the Merivale TS to approximately 20 Hydro Ottawa and Hydro One transformer stations connected to Merivale TS. We’re completing the planning stage now, so that we can be ready to bring sustainable, safe and reliable power to the City of Ottawa.

Planning Process

We are committed to listening and incorporating your feedback into the planning stages of the Merivale TS Upgrade Project. This Project is subject to a Class Environmental Assessment for Minor Transmission Facilities – Class EA Screening Process, in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Rooted in community engagement and consultation, the environmental assessment evaluates the Project to minimize social, economic and environmental effects.

Engagement with Indigenous leadership and communities, community members, municipalities, government agencies, interest groups and others through opportunities like community open houses is an important part of the environmental assessment and will help us identify the location for this needed electricity infrastructure, together.

For more complete information please see:

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