Working Drone Business Solution

Unique & Cost Effective Drone Business Solution

Looking for A Working Drone Business
Solution for your sUAS Startup?

If you are looking for a jump-start to your drone business startup you’ve found it!  We have spent over a year at Recon Aerial Media busting our butts to bring a unique drone business solution to market and to you. Our philosophy is pretty simple,  “give drone operators what they need nothing more…nothing less.”  

recon aerial media sUAS drone business You receive a customized flight operations manual with 6 operational checklists, 6 supporting annexes and a workflow specific to your target niche, a basic brand marketing package, basic equipment, as well as access to our post-production teams who can help you manage media and data. 

You can choose to use your own drone, select a DJI drone or opt for a customize workflow solution for surveying, aerial agri-works, and various other applications. For customized workflows  our UAVs are made to order, setup and tested by us specific to surveying/mapping, aerial agri-works, asset inspection etc. We will soon also offer workflows and hardware for public security, building information management and construction. We also connect you with the best of the best channel partners within the drone industry for add-ons like:

  • Part 107 UAV pilot training (US Clients)
  • TP15263 training (Canadian Clients)
  • Legal documentation(US Clients)
  • UAV Ground school,
  • Annual insurance,
  • Authorizations and waivers,
  • LLC setup,
  • Financing and various software solutions
  • Robust flight management software (Dronelogbook)

No solution offers everyone everything, but this is targeted and affordable and offers amazing value. It is an a-la-carte service that puts you directly in charge!

In addition Canadian Clients you can opt for us to guide you through the SFOC process with Transport Canada in order to acquire your standing approval.



Drone Business Case Workflows

What the heck is a workflow?

Quite simply… it’s how stuff gets done! One of the hardest things to hammer out in any new business is how to get things done, how to get started and what processes and equipment to use that won’t waste your time or your money.

Our workflows are a set of specific instructions using specific equipment that you follow to produce specific results. Take our Aerial Imaging Workflow solution as an example. In this workflow, we have 2 sets of instructions specific to 2 business cases, Real Estate Imaging and Golf Course Videos.

Let’s consider Real Estate Videos. When you purchase the Aerial Imaging Solution you get a set of specific instructions that tell you how to take Drone Real Estate Videos. This 20+ plus page how-to guide leaves very little to chance.

For each workflow, we have built relationships with teams who can manage drone business workflow your data output. If you are using our workflow for real estate videos, once you have taken your shots you complete a little work to cut the clips together then simply send the video with some files and an instruction form to the post-production specialist.  Our partner  expertly packages up a standard, high-quality video returns it to you to fulfill your client’s high expectations. The same is true for Golf Video Flyovers,  you send the files and get back an amazing standardized video like this one.

We take this approach with every business line where there is data is to be managed.

1.  You fly,
2.  Follow workflow instructions,
3.  Manage output,
4.  Send for processing,
5.  Get bang-up results!

You don’t have to think about how to execute because we have.  The bottom line is you spend LESS TIME NOODLING AROUND trying to figure out how to make amazing videos or process your data and more time marketing and flying.

Let’s say it another way, it takes less time, less effort to make more money. A successful businesses is built upon consistent business processes because only then is both time and expense predictable.

Every workflow has been flown and vetted prior to release and since no one is perfect, we will revise and improve workflows as methods and technology changes. Updates are freely available for one year, which is included with your drone business solution.

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

recon aerial media sUAS business partnerships2

In a word, “Value”

A full franchise or branded licence solution to start your sUAS business is not for everyone, it can be expensive. When you opt for one of this solutions it will cost you between 35-50K for documentation alone and if for example, you want to tackle Aerial Surveying, you can easily add an additional 20-30K for equipment. Yes, we will offer a full franchise solution but only when the time is right.

Though claims are being made that there is work available and franchisors will find it for you, the reality is YES there is work but clients are still very much trying to figuring out how to integrate area images and data into their business processes. We are very much in an “educational” phase of development in the sUAS sector so hanging your savings out there with such a large capital investment in such a new industry is risky, to say the least.

We believe at this stage in the development of the sUAS sector it’s better to be “light” specialized and flexible. We believe our drone business solution will give you the best chance at success in a new industry.  Better still, our approach allows you to test the waters without breaking the bank AND gives you a little more breathing room if you want to target more expensive business cases such as Aerial Surveying or Precision Agriculture.

support for drone business solution

Support is the Core of Our Business Model

Everything we do from the customized flight operations manual to our channel partner network is built around providing new operators with the help they need when they need it. Need insurance, we have options, need guidance on which drones are the best for what you want to do, we can provide it. Need training we’ve partnered with some of the best. Have an idea about a new service area, run it by us, we’ve probably looked at it 3x already.

If we haven’t heard of it or looked at it closely it probably hasn’t been invented yet. There isn’t a drone manufacturer, sensor or software developer that we haven’t spoken to. Nothing happens in a vacuum especially in business, we fully understand in order to support our business model and you we need to be connected to the best.

We have spent more time than we care to mention investigating most business cases for aerial work and MUST continue to do so to offer the very best guidance and opportunity to our clients.

When the time is right we will also provide access to drone rentals to help support one-off complex works for operators who have a proven track record.

select drone business solution

Options ARE good!

Our options are all about scaling your business correctly. We know that you might be just starting out so talking on all workflows (as in a drone franchise) is not likely practical because you need to develop experience, business capacity and capital to grow. As your business develops you can lean on us to provide you with greater and greater technical expertise.

If you are just launching our sUAS Drone Leader provides you with access to one workflow. As you grow business capacity expands and you wish to take target more opportunities the sUAS Drone Professional gives you access to 3 workflows. Once your name is like gold in your area and you really want to take the reigns off you can opt for the sUAS Drone Enterprise solution borrowing all our workflows.

aerial imaging drone solution startup

Aerial Imaging is Available NOW!

Building expertise and converting this expertise into workable business processes takes an amazing amount of time. We currently offer an Aerial Imaging solution which includes specific instruction and processes for Real Estate, Golf Course Videos, and Live Casting.  However, with our systems in place and momentum building, we will very quickly rollout our Surveying & Mapping Workflow which will have 2 business processes, basic and advanced. Following this, we will launch Public Security for Police Fire and SAR, Aerial Inspections, Precision Agriculture and more.

how much does drone business solution cost

A lot less than you might think!

Keeping in mind that a full franchise solution will run you 35K+ we wanted to position ourselves to make it very hard for you to say no.  The Aerial Imaging sUAS Business Solution(2 workflows) costs 5K.  If you wish to add optional training, a drone, legal documentation and other add-ons, of course, you can but these are completely up to you. We have built in the most flexibility possible without creating a management nightmare to provide you with a-la-carte access to the equipment and services you need.

The cost of each additional workflow will be very much tied to the technical complexity since it takes a lot more work to bring these to you as standardized business processes. BU when you opt for the sUAS Drone Lead or the Drone Pro or the Drone Enterprise solutions these will be set to fixed rates even though they have multiple workflows. Generally, the more workflows you buy the better the value. Upon rollout of the packaged solutions, we expect the Drone Pro will cost 10K and the Drone Enterprise 15K. Ultimately, you will get all the built-in capacity provided in a full franchise for less than 1/2 the price.

what needed to start drone business solution

Green Light!

You don’t need anything other than the will be successful! You will need to be a trained remote pilot in command per the FAA rules but beyond this our drone business solution provides you with access to everything you will need to start. If you are not trained yet will connect you with our Part 107 prep trainer whose participants have a 99% pass rate on FAA knowledge test to get the ball rolling.


drone pilot supervision services checklist

Protection for Everyone

There is no “catch” of course. However we would be crazy if we didn’t try to maintain the integrity of our intellectual property.  The documents we provide to you are copyright protected and they are only to be used to YOUR advantage. You are licensed to use them indefinitely but sharing outside of your organization is strictly prohibited. To protect our documentation and upon purchase of a specialized workflow resource, you agree to the non-disclosure clauses within the Terms and Conditions of Sale, which prevent the sharing of our proprietary information and processes. This is to protect our hard work but very importantly this also protects you from others who might use this to compete without paying for it. If you decide to trust our approach, put the effort in to develop your business and pay for the jump start, it’s only fair to you that others pay for this right as well.

launch drone business solution


It’s easy to start, call or email us. We’d be happy to answer your and walk you through our online form specific to your chosen workflow. If you decide to move forward, it will take about 1-3 weeks to wrap everything up. We will customize your manual, send you the basic equipment, set up your website etc.. You will work one on one with fulfillment specialist from start to finish so there is no discontinuity in providing you with the very best service.  Just want to get your drone business solution rolling, you can sign up for the Aerial Imaging Workflow, HERE.

Once you checkout out you will guide every step of the way. You will be directed to a page to download your password protected workflow documentation and supporting forms. You will then fill in the business card info form and the website info form, which lets us get started on your brand marketing elements. Concurrently, we customize your manual and ship it off to you with your business cards and basic equipment. You will also receive an electronic version of the flight ops manual and all checklists to build into your new sUAS operation.


sUAS Flight Operations Manual

``The core of any sUAS operation is a solid flight operations manual``

The Core of Any Competent sUAS Business Solution


The beating heart of an sUAS business or drone business solution is the Flight Operations Manual. The quality of the procedures and processes that you use dictate how efficient you offer service and how safely. Make no mistake, if your operations are not efficient or safe the bottom line is you won’t be in business very long. One accident will kill your reputation and bring untold legal consequences from the FAA and from civil litigation. No manual or standard operating procedure can protect against all eventualities but ours will provide you with the confidence and assurance you need.

The sUAS Flight Operations Manual Includes: recon aerial media sUAS flight operations manual

  • Classes of personnel descriptions (Pilot in Command, Ops Manager, Visual Observer, System Maintainer)
  • Roles and responsibility for each class of personnel
  • Training requirements/guidelines and tracking
  • Basic OHS guidelines/duty limitations
  • sUA descriptions/control station equipment requirements.

More specifically the sUAS Flight Operations Manual provides guidance on:

  • Airspace Requirements
  • Authorizations/Waivers
  • Weather/Environmental Conditions
  • Vertical Operational Space – Ground as Zero Point
  • Vertical Operational Space – Top of Structure as Zero Point
  • Physical Security
  • Technical Security
  • Public Interference
  • Separation Distances
  • NOTAM, Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) & Air Traffic Services Coordination
  • Flight Operations Planning – Pre-Operational Assessment
  • How to Conduct a Desktop Review
  • Risk Assessment – Hazards, Risk Criteria & Control Measures with examples
  • Site Survey and Flight Planning
  • Pre-operational Procedures (Offsite)
  • Pre-flight, In-flight and Post Flight SOPs (Onsite)
  • Emergency Preparedness (scope, protocol activation, response priorities)
  • Roles, Responsibilities & Actions
  • Loss of Positive Control (fly-aways, C2 Failure, Loss of VLOS)
  • Accident Reporting & Notification (damages, injuries, FAA report content)
  • Maintenance & Inspection (scheduled/unscheduled, lost link testing)
  • Documentation & Record Keeping
  • and more

What's in the Box?

``Everything you will need to deliver effective drone services``.

What's in the Box?

The sUAS Complete Business Package includes exactly what you need to help you start a drone business, get setup faster, better and easier. We reduce you time to market from months to weeks.  This drone business solution is specifically tailored to the US sUAS services sector.

drone business solution in a box When you decide our solution is right for you our focus is fulfillment. We will not take on new drone business startups unless we can be sure to meet our target time frames, which is our commitment to you.

What’s in the box? There is an actual box yes, though most of what we provide is electronic. You will receive a hard copy of your customized Flight Operations Manual, checklist and annexes professionally bound with USB backup and access to these documents via access to personal shared drive folder and via our flight management software tool.

We will set you up with a WordPress website, free hosting for one year  ($10 per month after).  You will have to send us the content and images for your website Home Page but you will hit the ground running! We will provide wordpress installation, basic theme installation and setup including your contact information and include basic images and content for you home page. We will also take care of domain name registration (first year), basic google verification and submission to search engines for your custom url, keyword research for up to 5 keywords that are niche specific and location specific, Sumome sharing enabled, Pure Chat enabled, Yoast enabled, Supercache enabled and provide 250 business cards.

Optionally you can have us manage your website on an annual basis. This allows you to add or change emails, transfer content, perform account and website management tasks and keeps your WordPress installation, plugins and theme up to date.

We will send you basic equipment, 2 

We also offer a-la-cart selection of  training and legal documentation (US clients) to support your new venture and we will connect you directly to our channel partners should you choose. To see exactly how this work checkout the Aerial Imaging Estimator or checkout form. Easily on one page you will be able to tweak you individual solution, customize it to your needs.


Available & Planned Workflows

Processes You Can Work With!

aerial imaging drone business solution

Aerial Imaging

$5K – Available Now!

Start small, start right defines our aerial imaging workflow. Aerial imaging is a broad category but we have narrowed it down to imaging for real estate and golf course fly over virtual tours. When you purchase this workflow you get a how-to guide for each of 2 business cases. Better, you get access to our outsource team who will complete you the post production videos for you at a great price so that improve your ROI.  You fly and our outsource team manages the rest! Check it out!

Mapping, Modelling & Surveying

Available Soon!

Our sUAS or drone surveying workflow covers your service requirements on 2 fronts. We offer a standard version of the workflow that allows you to provide Georeferenced, orthorectified maps, Accurate topographic modelling, with DSMs and detailed, accurate 3D models and point clouds via Drone Deploy packaged with a DJI drone if required. Our complex workflow offers everything in standard workflow BUT you get a commercial grade drone Action Drones AD2, fit with a Vmap GNSS sensor and base station and access to our Geospatial processing team using Pix4D. Data is processed via our team via PPK and is incredible accurate AND provable. Surveyors don’t guess, neither should you!

surveying and mapping drone business solution
public security drone business solution

Public Security – SIR

Available Soon!

In large part public security encompassing Police, Fire and SAR does not have a requirement for data processing, other than for mission review, training and as maybe required to fulfill or augment various legal processes. The data/images is critically important but the utilization of this information is often most valuable in real time and as a training tool. We provide you with the documentation and support and custom design tech packages to suit your needs, follow through with equipment setup/customization and training as needed.  Our public security workflow includes IR and zoom sensors, body cams and real time, military spec mission casting to augment surveillance, investigation and reconnaissance (SIR) within a collaborative framework.

Scouting & Agriworks

Available Soon!

Our aerial agri-works business case or “precision agriculture” via drone is perhaps the most complex workflow we offer.  Understanding this complexity, Recon Aerial Media has partnered with Slant Range, Action Drones and most importantly with an agronomy team to provide specialized feed back based on the clients specific crop, soil conditions, conditions on the ground, historical context and of course based on the clients goals. Our workflow will address this complexity, where the ultimate objective is to provide simple and specific solutions to increase yield, improve drainage, detect disease, estimate yield, evaluate crop health, decrease input costs and increase production. There is no “one button” solution within agricultural data, it must be expertly evaluated.

scouting and agriworks drone business solution
aerial inspections drone business solution

Aerial Asset Inspections

Available Soon!

Aerial asset inspections or not technically complex BUT they can be extremely hard on the nerves! Flying with and close to engineering assets is not for the faint of heart. However, our package will afford some additional security by the use of a minimum 30x zoom sensor. Capturing imagery data, inventorying assets, inspecting for damage, 3D modelling are all part of the planned inspection package.

Building Information Management

Available Soon!

Building Information Management and construction and surveying is very much about planned vs actual. Providing real time data in a way not before possible to allow specific design plan changes on the fly under specific use cases will provide incredible savings via loss prevention, time and allow for the better resource allocation within the project management cycle.  In short, getting this done quicker, catching mistakes helps project managers manager better.  Our workflow is robustly supported by the Vmap sensor and AD2 flight platform. Additionally, our geospatial analysts are at the ready, waiting to process, assimilate and return quantifiable comparisons that address specific problems.

building information modelling drone business solution

Get in touch! Please give us a call 1-613-762-7711, email or use the contact form below, we’d be happy to consult with you to figure out how we can create a successful drone business partnership!