As an listing agent you know this market is incredibly competitive. With less than amazing photos you will spend more time trying to sell. Less turnover at the end of the day is simply less money earned. If you are private seller you also risk wasting your time and dealing with more uncertainty that you have to. Bottom line is that agents and homeowners who don’t give proper attention to presentation are reducing the odds of selling their house quickly.
Worse, houses that sit on the market suffer buyer fatigue and reduced pricing in order to revitalize interest. Still think real estate media doesn’t matter? It sure does it can impact how quickly your house and even the price. Don’t be left asking yourself how quickly it “could” have sold if you would have spent a couple extra hundred bucks on professional media.
Drone real estate photography services Ottawa by Recon Aerial Media provides drone real estate photography service the create eye popping images and video of both exterior and interior of your listing. Our real estate photography images and video are simple, clean well executed and will maximize your listing potential and set your property apart.