Drone Data Processing to Create Linework Drawings in AutoCAD


Drone Data Processing for Engineers


Drone Data Processing for Engineers

Recon Aerial uses the photogrammetric and ground control data provided by Engineers to create drafting linework in AutoCAD.

We provide drafting linework to engineers to expedite site inventory and control as well as for new civil, commercial, and industrial projects for their clients.  Engineers have a high degree of technical expertise and can easily undertake drone flight operations. They can leverage our drone data processing pipeline to add value to their clients by producing accurate, and engaging drafting linework deliverables. All you have to do is:


We take care of the drone data processing to create linework drawings in AutoCAD.

Drone Data Processing for Surveyors

Recon Aerial uses the photogrammetric and ground control data provided by Surveyors to create drafting linework in AutoCAD.

We provide drafting linework to surveyors to expedite site inventory and control as well as for new civil, commercial, and industrial projects for their clients.  Surveyors fully understand the importance of ground control and have the technical skill to undertake drone flight operations. They can leverage our drone data processing pipeline to add value to their clients by providing layered AutoCAD drawings in place of linework to facilitate project planning. All you have to do is:


We take care of the drone data processing to create linework drawings in AutoCAD.


Drone Data Processing for Surveyors


Drone Data Processing for Drone Service Providers


Drone Data Processing for Drone Service Providers

Recon Aerial uses the photogrammetric and ground control data provided by Drone Service Providers to create drafting linework in AutoCAD.

We provide drafting linework to drone service providers to expedite site inventory and control as well as for new civil, commercial, and industrial projects for their clients.  Drone service providers are well-positioned to undertake drone flight operations and they can leverage our drone data processing pipeline to add value to their clients. All you have to do is:


We take care of the drone data processing to create linework drawings in AutoCAD.

drone data processing for archtectural and engineering projects

Drone Data Processing

Over the years Recon Aerial has flown many photogrammetric mapping missions. NOW we are lending this expertise to engineers, planners, consultants, planners, environmental specialists, surveyors, and drone services providers. If you need to transform drone data from aerial data to an accurate AutoCAD deliverable, GET IN TOUCH we can help!

Recon Aerial provides Drone Data Processing to Create Linework Drawings in AutoCAD. These highly functional AutoCAD base map deliverables are used to situate site assets, plan site development, address environmental concerns, site redevelopment, and for many other uses.

photogrammetric-exports-from-drone-data2photogrammetric-exports-from-drone-dataPhotogrammetric Exports from Drone Data 

Recon Aerial has a drone data processing and mapping team to provide standard photogrammetric geo-referenced exports such as 3D mesh, point clouds, contours, digital terrain models, digital surface models, and orthos photos. Our clients use these highly accurate exports to manipulate data in Leica Geosystems, QGIS, Agisoft, 3DF Zephr, Autodesk Recap, and more.

autocad-drawings-from-drone-dataautocad-dwg-drawings-from-drone-dataLinework Drawings in AutoCAD

Need accurate AutoCAD drawings for your project?  

Recon Aerial provides highly accurate, georeferenced AutoCAD linework .dwg files from drone aerial imagery and ground control data.  It’s simple you choose the feature set needed on the drawing, fly the mission, upload site data (images + GCP data), and that’s it! Recon Aerial will process and deliver often within 7 days. We can also advise on GCP placement, and drone mapping settings since we are a DRONE SERVICES company first, and we understand drone mapping operations.

Need pricing? Get in touch for a custom quote for your project, our pricing is extremely affordable. Similar Ai-based, human-in-the-loop pricing costs 10X more! 


Drone-based Photogrammetric Exports

We provide the following file exports for each drone flight operation. These exports can be easily incorporated into engineering, architectural workflows:

  • DTM (.tif and tiles)
  • DSM (.tif and tiles)
  • ORTHO (.tif and tiles)
  • CONTOURS (1 ft, depends on the terrain and the client requirement)
  • POINT CLOUD (.dxf .fbx .mtl .obj .pdf .ply)
  • 3D MESH(.las .ply xyz)

This photogrammetric drone-based data can be used for planning, measurements, 3D modeling, and much more in software programs such as Leica Geosystems TruView, QGIS, Agisoft, 3DF Zephr, Autodesk Recap, Revit and Navisworks, Bently Context Capture, Correlator3D, Trimble Inpho, Reality Capture, and Pix4D


Drone-based AutoCAD Drawings

Recon Aerial provides drone-based AutoCAD exports. We include a standard feature set such as roads, curbs, paint striping, parking spaces, crosswalks, building footprints, elevations on corners/center of buildings, spot elevations, pathways, manholes, storm sewer drains, transformers, light standards, sidewalks, building labels (white), GCP points (with coordinates), the land area within the site boundary (in acres), etc.

However, we understand that all sites are not the same and thus we provide you the flexibility to discretely add on additional feature sets specific to your needs.

Your geo-referenced, layered .dwg drawing will include a feature set, standard title block, scale and we will also include GCP and Stereo plotting validation reports, which outline the accuracy of the drawing.